Many people in my life have come to me for advice and ended up successful in their journeys in life. I have never been any less than straight to the point. Along the way I remember being told "Courtney you should have your own talk show, like Dr. Phil". Well, I'm not there yet and life probably won't take me in that direction but for now, I want to be an example. I want to do the right thing and be a guide for young adults who are going through the same things. It isn't always easy for people my age to find someone to talk to. You leave the comfort of High School where you have known everyone your entire life, you get a job and go off to college and face stresses you have never felt before, and you don't always know where to turn. I can be that. I want my followers to ask me things. I want to interact with people and do my best to teach from my personal experience. I know that I am young and that may turn people away from my opinion, but my life has not been a smooth ride. I have fought custody battles with my parents, lost jobs, lived off Ramon noodles, and struggled with my health and healthcare. I won a battle over drugs and an abusive relationship and I have been stabbed in the back by my best friend of 10 years in the worst of ways. I have done more growing up in the last 6 years than I ever think I will do in my life again. I now at the age of twenty, own a house (nice two bedroom starter in the suburbs), go part time to school to become a nurse (A year and a half left), work two jobs, and have been in a successful four year relationship with the sweetest man alive that would give his life for me. Now if you could only see what I have come from, you wouldn't doubt me. I will never say that I had a bad childhood. What I did, I did to myself. The mistakes that I made were not those of my parents or friends. They were choices that I had made and I now take full responsibility for that. My parents were normal middle class parents and I went to a good school. I rebelled.
I want to be a shoulder to lean on to when you have no where else to turn. I want to stop the problem in it's tracks before anyone ever even gets to the point that I was at in my life. It was scary, and I almost lost my life. I wouldn't wish that upon my worst enemy. I will do my best to give the most honest and straight forward advice that I possibly can. And if I can be there just to lend a hand then my job is done.